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50 Ways to Eat Cock: Healthy Chicken Recipes with Balls!

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What You Need To Know About 50 Ways to Eat Cock:

define awesome emoji hand over face
You have a filthy mind, and we’re not even sure we’re going to continue with this product description until we make one thing clear.
Very surprised emoji

You think you’re so sneaky. Clicking on the image, the link, whatever.

Your mind is racing.

“Oh, my! There’s a book about that?! I must learn more about the product and understand how something like this even exists! Tee-hee”

Define Awesome Uh-Oh Emoji Face
define awesome whatever emoji

Grow up, dude. This book is not about that.

Do you really think there would be a book published about how to prepare and cook delicious chicken dishes in a fun and unique way?

Define Awesome Monacle Emoji
Annoying emoji

NOT GONNA HAPPEN. This book is about…oh, wait…


oh emoji by define awesome
teeth emoji by define awesome

Oh, wait a second.

You might be right.


We just thumbed through it.

This Book is All About Chicken!

laughing emoji by define awesome

Our bad.

We actually only carry this book because we thought it was about…well, never mind.

Something south of the border.

Something below the belt.

Something that’s just about two inches…from the floor.

BUT, since it’s not – whatever. We’ll still sell it.

50 Ways to Eat Cock is not what we expected, but with your clean and friendly mind, you probably know what it’s about.

Define Awesome Hug Emoji

It’s long, strong and down to get the cooking on.

It’s 50 ways to make chicken dishes that are so good they’ll leave you begging for more.

50 Chicken dishes that are so fabulously tasty you’ll tell all of your friends about your newfound love of cock.

Define Awesome Tongue Emoji Face

This chicken cookbook is the ideal party, holiday or birthday gift for anyone who can’t get enough…chicken.

It’s also the perfect book full of cock recipes for the person in your life who seems to only have one thing on their mind all the time (chicken).

50 Ways to Eat Cock 1

Here are some reviews from actual human beings about this chicken recipe book you might enjoy:

Buy the book that will leave all of your lady friends clutching pearls and all your guy friends fainting with fits of laughter.

50 Ways to Eat Cock.

The ultimate coffee table book, or frankly, the cookbook you should read out in public any time you get the chance.

You may also want to bring this book to your (chicken) therapist. They can tell you if you’ve gone overboard.

Our favorite Amazon review of 50 Ways to Eat Cock:

Last update on 2025-02-11 / This post may contain affiliate links which may give us a commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

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