There’s a new way to keep your puppy fluffy.
Wondering how everyone else keeps their puppy so cute and fluffy?
Thanks to the advanced technology of air power, your furry little love ball of fluff can now experience a spa, in a wind-tunnel.
Ever wanted to take your dog to the dog park and show the cute little fluff ball off?
What if the fluff is wearing off? What do you do?
Fluff The Pup!
Plus, you no longer have to be the only one wearing an 80’s nylon tracksuit like the baller you are anymore.
Now, your dog can be the real baller in the dog park.
Maybe you’re looking for another way to show your dog off in the next cute puppy competition that nobody else is actually competing in.
Because, really, let’s face it – nobody has a cuter ball of fluff than you. Your lil’ fluff ball is more adorable than anyone else’s.
Who are they to even say otherwise?
Ugh, losers.
Whatever it may be, you know that you can get your cutest pup in the world a portable spa right now.
And if you don’t, that the furry fool will love you regardless.
Or will it?
If you want your dog to truly love you unconditionally…
Then Look No Further Than The Puff-n-Fluff Dog Dryer.
Turn Up the Fluff
Most dogs are terrier-fied of blow dryers and would rather run around your house, dripping water everywhere instead of sitting for a salon-style.
Well, instead of chasing after them with a towel in hand, capture the fluffy fur beast and shove it the Puff-n-Fluff suit.
After fastening the dog dryer to your pretty little doggy, attach a blow dryer into the tube and watch your cute ball of love turn into an aerated pufferfish.
Drying time varies depending on the size of your pup, but think of all the memories you’ll make together.
Who cares about the first time Spot went to the bathroom outside or figured out how to use the stairs?
The truly special moment is the first time you blasted their wet, shaking body with hot air.
Get your camera ready so you can capture the bemused look on your dog’s face as he questions why on earth he still loves.
Good thing dogs have a ridiculously short memory, so they’ll be licking your face again in no time.
Dogmatically the Best Dog Dryer
With the Puff-n-Fluff, you’ll no longer have to worry that your pooch will catch a cold on a rainy day.
It saves you time, hassle, and effort, all while heating up the thing that means the most to you.
It’s essentially a microwave oven for your dog.