The Year is 2037
The World Chip Organization has stepped into the spotlight and will be featured, for the first time ever, in the Olympic Games.
The Challenge:
Who can eat the most amount of snacks in just 30 minutes.
The Bigger Challenge:
How will the contestants stay reasonably clean and presentable during this strenuous challenge?
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), the contestants are on a national scale.
No more hiding in basements or sitting in their kitchens eating handfuls of puffed cheese snacks for hours on end, not caring that there are tiny cheese flakes piling up on their fingers.
The competition is serious.
Snacks being eaten at the games include:
- Pretzels
- Puffed Cheese Snacks
- Herb & Cheddar Triscuits
- Sour Cream & Onion Chips
How can a competitor possibly dive his or her hands into an enormous bag of chips like this and come out looking even reasonably presentable to the viewers watching at home?
We even once heard that one competitor, in the amateur leagues, ate so many artificially flavored chips covered with flamin’ hot something or other that his fingerprints disappeared.
This can’t happen.
How will the competitors survive the embarrassment and potential loss of self-identifying fingerprints?
Easy. They all are required to use food-grade silicon made Finger Covers called “Chip Fingers.”
“Beer Belly” Brad wears the Chip Fingers
Even “Cosmic Chip” Shelly wears 'em.
The gold medal-winning Barry “Two Ton Tostitos” Terry Swears by the Chip Fingers.
So, what about you?
You've Been Eating Chips ALL WRONG
Level Up Your Life With Chip Fingers
Be like "Beer Belly" Brad and "Cosmic Chip" Shelly. Win like Barry "Two Ton Tostitos" Terry.
Get Chip FingersThankfully, in 2037, it’s commonplace for the chip and snack connoisseur to wear Chip Fingers.
But these days, it’s still an undiscovered jewel in the world of snack enjoyment.
We’re proud to present you with the next level of chip accessories in the here and the now:
Chip Fingers
Chip Fingers allows those dainty little digits of yours to stay clean. No more licking your fingers like you’re some sort of gorilla-cat hybrid who just ate a handful of fig seeds. Gross-out.
Even worse, maybe you’d run to the sink, wash your hands and then when you dry them, you see that the paper towel left behind looks like it was part of a murder scene.
Chip Fingers are the solution to all of your snack induced woes.
Here are several mind-blowing reasons you should heavily consider picking up the ultra-premium, delightful Chip Fingers:
1. They keep your most important chip loving fingers safe. The index. The thumb. EVEN THE POINTER.
2. You can be ready should the snack Olympics call you and invite you to future games.
3. Friends, family and enemies alike will be in awe, causing you to be the most celebrated chip dipper in your social circle.
Whether it’s for you, or a championship level snacker friend, Chip Fingers will change your life, forever.
Honestly, you may as well a pallet of these now and just go on and change your name to Chip Fingers.