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Right Time Prank Joke Pregnancy Test/Always Turns Positive (Pack of 2)

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What You Need To Know About The Positive Pregnancy Test:

Define Awesome Hug Emoji

Congratulations! It’s a new baby!

As opposed to an old baby, which, let’s be honest would be super weird.
Define Awesome Monacle Emoji
The Positive Pregnancy Test 1

Last thing your lady friend would want is to give birth to an 86 year old retired accountant who all of a sudden immediately starts hounding the happy couple about their lack of diversified stock portfolio.

Should you have invested more in your later teenage years?

Yes, you probably should have.

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The Positive Pregnancy Test 2

Maybe you didn’t have the extra income.

Maybe you didn’t think you’d live past 20.

But alas, here you are. And now is no time to think about your financial future.

Money emoji

It’s time to prank the hell out of someone with a fake pregnancy test.

Define Awesome Uh-Oh Emoji Face

The “Right Time” prank pregnancy test comes up positive every single time.

Who are the right people that could benefit from this ingenious device?

eyebrow emoji by define awesome

Here are some of the best fake pregnancy test ideas:

The Positive Pregnancy Test 3

We can all agree on one important point: There’s always room for a good laugh at the expense of someone else.

Imagine the gut busting, pregnancy test inducing laughter that would come after the prank victim sees the “POSITIVE” response of the test.

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laughing emoji by define awesome
They’ll surely want to double check and try again!

Thankfully, this is a two pack of prank pregnancy testers.

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Now when she tries again…BOOM still (not really) pregnant.

Oh you both will laugh and laugh and laugh.

The Positive Pregnancy Test 4
Emoji with his tongue hanging and crazy eyes

Maybe you can even give one to your bro and he can find out he’s pregnant. What a time!

Don’t lose this opportunity to engage in one of the most epic pranks in human history with the Always Positive Pregnancy Test.

thumbs up.

While other goofs are putting whoopee cushions on chairs or pretending they have a fly in their dry ice cubes, you can big league them all with the king of pranks.

The Prank pregnancy test is perfect for Anyone.

Well, maybe not anyone.

The Positive Pregnancy Test 5

We probably wouldn’t suggest that you give it to the 86 year old baby who is giving you a hard time about the health of your 401k – but anybody else? Hell yes, baby.



Totally a bad idea to give this to our partner if you two are actually trying to have a baby. Let’s just say we learned that lesson for ourselves and sleeping on the couch for six months wasn’t the most glamorous thing we’ve ever had to do. Oh well. At the time it seemed hilarious. YOLO.

Best Pregnancy Test Prank EVER
The Positive Pregnancy Test 6

My fiancee has always fooled and joked around with me. He likes playing tricks and mind-games for a good laugh. Love the guy, but it was my turn for pay-back. I bought this product way early in advance so that I can plan everything out accordingly. 11:55pm on March 31st had just hit. I calculate that within the next 5 min I can place the open pregnancy test box on top of the toilet with one positive test lingering out of the box half-way. I put away the other test (un-taken/unopened) and put it inside a drawer along-side the fake manual for the test. I planned this to the T. I wanted him to see the test on top of the toilet (not the toilet seat because that is too obvious, so the toilet tank). Made it seem like i forgot to throw it away after use. So, 1am hits on April 1st (April Fools Day). He still hasn't gone to the bathroom yet... I get anxious. So, I ask if we could go to sleep now (that way he can routinely go pee before bed). It works! I head to the bedroom to do my own routine before bed and I hear him peeing (weird I know, but he pees with door open). Then..."Uhhh Dear?!?!?!" I reply, "yes?" (while snickering in my head) "What is this pregnancy test doing here?" "Is there something you want to tell me?", he questions very dumbfounded. I reply calmly, "Oh! that's nothing. I saw it in the drawer and thought to myself - hey! lets pee on it just for fun." He giggles and says "You do know these tests are not cheap." He walks into the bedroom and I nod with a smile. I walk to the bathroom and tell him no worries it's 'negative' anyways. I then hand him the box with the 'positive' test in it. He looks at the test and the box then becomes silent. "Ummm...Dear...this reads positive...not negative." I smile and say, "No it doesn't. It's a negative, silly." He re-reads the results and instructions on the box over and over. I walk out of the bathroom into the bedroom smirking. He follows me and tells me that I am wrong. "No no no, this says two lines is a positive. One line is a negative. Your results show Two lines Dear!" "Are you pregnant?" I smile and tell him "Nope, I am not pregnant. It's a negative. I swear it's a negative. Two lines is negative dear." He points to the box and my results to try and convince me that I am pregnant. At this point he assumes I am going through blissful denial of my pregnancy and that's why I am smiling. He then asks if there is another test we can use. (Here is where the second test comes in, the one I placed in the drawer with the manual...ALL PLANNED) I take out the 2nd test and ask why he wants it. He tells me he wants me to pee on it ASAP to double check the results. I said if it makes him feel better I will. I hand him the manual to read as I pee on the 2nd stick. I hand him the stick after I finish and he looks at me in fear. "Dear...You are pregnant." I nervously laugh and tell him I am not pregnant. He tells me he's not joking. (Ironic huh) He shows me the results and even reads to me the manual. I walk away from him and get into bed as if I was freaking out over this new found information. (In truth I was trying to keep a straight face...I am not good at lying and he knows this... which is why I keep smiling none-stop) He gets into bed and asks me if I wanted to talk about this. I said, "nope, no need, I am not pregnant so we are good." He tells me that I might be despite what I want to believe. And that we should call my OBGYN for an appointment Monday. He also suspiciously asks me if I really did just take the pregnancy test on whim today. I become silent. (I was racking my brain for a quick answer) Funny enough this worked out for me. He assumed I became silent because I in fact 'knew' I may have been pregnant and tells me, "It's ok to tell me. What has been going on dear?" I tell him I may have been feeling bit sick in the mornings for the past month. He tells me that I should keep him informed and that this effects the both of us not just me. I tell him, "Dear, these results only affect you" He replies, "No, this affects you too. From this day forward we might have to change things.." (He starts ranting about changes we need to make) I stop him mid-way rant saying, "Dear, no. This only affects you. Because from this day forward you will know I can fool you too." He looks at me all confused. "Happy April Fools Day Dear!" - I yell. He looks at me then looks away then looks at me then looks away. "Those were fake positive pregnancy tests weren't they?", he asks. I nod. He walks out of the room and into the family room and lies down on the couch all wide-eyed. I start cracking up. I tell him I am sorry but it was revenge for all the jokes he plays on me every day. He lies on the couch not saying a word. "I expected you to freak out more, so that was kind of disappointing. But did I get you?", I ask all smiles. "yes dear... you got me good this time." "I didn't react a lot only because it was all internal. I was holding my 'freaking out' on the inside." He tells me. I kiss his forehead telling him I'm sorry for freaking him out internally. He replies, "congrats on your first successful joke on me." "but I hope you know, this means war. I will get you back for this...Oh, I will!" We both laugh. The End. Sooo, overall a very good product for what it was meant to do. Looking back, my fiancee said he wouldn't have picked it up during the stressful moment but he actually points out to me things that were suspicious about the test. 1. The manual was European. It showed Celsius instead of Fahrenheit etc.... 2. Made in china on box So, remember ladies... You should really only play this kind of prank on your S.O. if he is a good sport. Mine was and it was a good laugh.

Product SKU: 42000000

Product Brand: Right Time

Product Currency: USD

Product Price: 8.90

Price Valid Until: 2026-12-19

Product In-Stock: InStock

Editor's Rating:

Last update on 2025-02-11 / This post may contain affiliate links which may give us a commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

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