Did you know that everything you’ve ever known about Chewbacca is wrong? Yes, he was in Star Wars, but do you even know how it happened?
You’re a nerd. You know it, your mom knows it, even your Great Aunt Bernice knows it. Friggin’ Bernice. Always gossiping. We really dislike people who gossip. Always poking into other’s people’s business, making random generalizations about who they are, how they act and what they like. Look, we’ve got nothing personally against Bernice, but […]
If you’ve ever said to yourself, “You know, I’d like to own an alien one day,” you are about to hit the jackpot: Baby Yoda We proudly introduce you to an alien. We’re not quite sure who he is, or much about his background, so we’re going to speculate here: This little green alien, while […]
Introducing the most epic product of all time: a real lightsaber. Pick your jaw up off the ground. We know. We know. It’s out of control awesome.
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Thankfully the universe has heard our plea, and now, we can all live life fully. Fully charged, just like BB8 droid should be, he can follow you around & listen