Welcome to Laughsalot Land. Ridiculous name – and home of an even more ridiculous fellow: Sylvester Dermp. Now, Sylvester wasn’t your average Joe. We’ve already his established his name is Sylvester. But in addition to that, he had a wild sense of humor that could rival a circus clown on April Fools Day. He was […]
Hear ye, hear ye! Gather round men, women and children of all ages! We are proud to introduce the spikiest, greenest, meanest, water dwelling lizard this side of the Mississippi! Forget about your run of the mill cayman. Toss aside your preconceived notions about the dear old crocodile. We are here to bring you the […]
Just imagine your friend yelling at the printer or clapping in front of the TV like a dufus, losing it and ending up screaming in frustration!
What would you do with fake wall outlet stickers? Maybe you’re the life of the party. You’re the person who everybody turns to for a good laugh. “You’re such a card!” they say. “You always make me laugh!” they remark. But what happens when you don’t have a crowd to make laugh? What happens when […]
Deep in the caves of the Himalayas lived one of the wisest, most well respected men in the history of civilization. Arnold Windbreaker, inventor of the Whoopee Cushions. Sure, you may think most of the ancient sages and wise men of history lived many centuries ago. Not Arnie. Good ‘ol Arnold Windbreaker lived in 1920s […]
Time to kick up your embarrassing mail prank game a notch, compliments of the United States Postal Service. Let’s say, in theory, you’ve got a friend who needs to be put in their place. Imagine a world where you’d be able to send them a fraudulent gift right to their mailbox that looked real, but […]
Congratulations! It’s a new baby! As opposed to an old baby, which, let’s be honest would be super weird. Last thing your lady friend would want is to give birth to an 86 year old retired accountant who all of a sudden immediately starts hounding the happy couple about their lack of diversified stock portfolio. […]
To fully understand this scented hand sanitizer, let’s begin with Sir Arthur Q. Stink of the British Isles, who issued a proclamation in 1768 which reads as follows: “To the Men, Women, Children and Families of Great Britain – It is my distinct pleasure today to introduce you and yours to an odor unlike anything […]