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The Big Black Metal Box, Compatible with Cards Against Humanity, Magic The Gathering, MTG, (Game Not Included) | Includes 8 Dividers | (Long Version) Fits up to 1400 Loose Unsleeved Cards

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What You Need To Know About The Big Black Metal Box:

You probably think you’re the cock of the walk when you stroll into a party with your hilarious party games, don’t you?

Well, bad news lil buck-a-roo: you have to kick it up a notch ASAP.

We’re talking, taking it to the next level, where the next level is so high up in the stratosphere that everybody and their mother think you are the absolute best thing walking planet earth.

This sweet, Big Black Metal Box will help you do just that.

Here’s what this card beast has in store for you:

The Big Black Metal Box 1
The Big Black Metal Box 2

It makes you like so friggin’ legit.

You walk into a party with Cards Against Humanity, Pokemon, or whatever in their original little cardboard boxes and everyone thinks, “Oh, what a little cutie-pie with those little boxes, how precious!” You walk in lugging this aluminum storage case that keeps your cards in perfect condition, they whole place stops and takes notice, like, “HOT DAMN! We’ve got ourselves a certified winner creepin’ into these parts - nice!” High fives ensue.

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Any card game.

Many card games. Baseball cards. Business cards. Whatever. This thing keeps your cargo safe, secure and undamaged. Longer. Wider. Better. It holds up to 1,400 cards. All you can handle, bro.

The Big Black Metal Box 2

Card organization inside of a black box like you won’t even believe.

Don’t just dump the cards in here and hope for the best. It has been specifically designed to keep everything in perfect order, including dividers that let you keep your cards where you want them.

So look, the next time you want to make an impression and not have to worry about ruining your awesome collection of cards, this is your answer.

All the cards, pal. All of them. Magic the Gathering, Apples to Apples, Crabs Adjust Humidity. Bad People. The list goes on.

Shoot, this thing will be perfect to hold games that haven’t even been invented yet.

We’re getting all warm and tingly just thinking about the possibilities.

Here are the Top 11 reasons we think you should 100%, without a doubt consider The Big Black Metal Box:

1.It’s lightweight, portable, sturdy and constructed in aluminum.

2. It’s like a tank, but a big, black sexy tank.

3. When you walk into a party holding it, it forces people to run over to you to ask “What’s in your box?”

4. No more lost, ruined cards = happy dance.

5. No more scouring under the couch four minutes before you’re supposed to play the game trying to find loose cards.

6. Just look at this thing. It’s so rugged, you’ll instantly feel and be cooler and sexier with it.

7. Hundreds of 5-Star reviews means the people have spoken: and they love it.

8. It’s 16.9” wide, 4.25” deepb, 2.87” high and 100% baller status.

9. You can carry it with one hand which leaves the other open for thousands of high-fives.

10. It has that “new box” smell.

11. It’s long, strong, and down to get the friction on!

Look, the time has come. You don’t ever have to be the person walking around with a stupid cardboard card holder anymore. You’re better than that. Be the ultimate collector. And don’t look back. Get the Card King Pro Big Black Metal Box for your Cards Against Humanity set and win at life.
Or, you can upgrade yourself with an even bigger box:    

Last update on 2025-01-05 / This post may contain affiliate links which may give us a commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

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