Remember the days of just sitting on a screen, endlessly browsing content that you didn’t create until your thumb was sunburned from so much screen light?
Make the decision to get off your duff, your bum, your backside or your rear. Whatever you call it.
It’s all of the things your mind, body and soul have ever wanted all in one place. Movement, fun, ridiculousness have all joined together to bring the glory of childhood games to all ages.
HOW COULD THIS BE you might be screaming to yourself. HOW CAN I PLAY THIS?
You peer through your window and a smirk begins to crawl it’s way onto your face. You run outside, nearly tripping over your own feet in excitement. You rip open the package.
It’s happening! Play dodgeball tag until your happy, full heart's content.
Perfect for all ages, it’s the ideal solution to get you up and moving all day every day – or just on the weekend’s when you realize “wait a second, I haven’t moved off the couch in hours.”
So what are people saying about dodgeball tag? Let’s just say they don’t like it. THEY ABSO’FREAKIN’LUTELY love it.
Vern G.
“Dodgeball tag was the hit of my wedding reception! I’m not sure why we added it into our wedding day, but what a thrill. The guests were immediately enamored!”
Carl W.
Oakland, CA
“Why didn’t I think of this?! It’s gets my kids out of the house for hours – sometimes days or weeks! I actually haven’t seen my oldest in several years. I love this game!”
Gary O.
Long Island, NY
Don’t miss out on the newest sensation rocking the nation. A new take on an old classic. The game to end all games. The greatest thing to ever happen to everyone of all ages!
Dodgeball Tag. Get it. Play it. Love it.
Ultimate Dodgeball is the best game for kids! With this toy, they can have hours of fun playing indoors or outdoors. It’s great for all seasons and ages 4 and up. Comes with a drawstring storage bag and is easy to clean. This game also includes multiplayer games.
Side Thought: If you are getting this to play it with your kids, throwing balls at young children is totally fine, right?