Have you ever wanted to add salt to a wound?
Maybe you just wanted to get rid of some annoying bugs….
Introducing the all new, improved BUG-A-SALT 3.0!
This powerful fly-killing weapon has been redesigned with your needs in mind. With upgraded features like a cross-bolt safety, trigger redesign, and Patridge sight, you’ll be able to take down even the most stubborn flies with ease. So don’t go into your next fly hunt unarmed – equip yourself with the BUG-A-SALT 3.0 and show those pesky bugs who’s boss!
Now with this BUG-A-SALT 3.0 bug defense kit, it’s pretty much a done deal!
When it comes to self-defense, this bug gun beats out all other non-lethal methods of intimidation, style, and range.
Always be prepared for anything. Coming home from the bar all alone and there’s something creeping following you and you aren’t sure if it’s your friend Steve, or the legendary Slenderman?
Well, who cares? If it’s the slender man he obviously had it coming.
Your friend Steve should’ve known better because you always tell him not to sneak up on you.
Now with the Bug-A-SALT 3.0, he’ll finally learn that lesson (It’s a painful lesson, but he’ll probably survive it and remember you don’t like jump scares).
You know that old saying about the best defense is a good offense?
Well, the best defense against an assault is actually just SALT!
Get The Best Bug Gun on The Market Today!
The BUG-A-SALT 3.0 is perfect for serious fly hunters who are looking for a more powerful weapon. It features all the custom improvements requested by our most hardcore hunters, including cross-bolt safety, trigger redesign, and Patridge sight.
Whatever floats your boat, as long as you are safe, which is the purpose of this sweet salt device.
Remember, it lacks recoil when fired, so you can get used to using it pretty easily compared to a real gun. So whatever the danger you can feel better prepared – no matter what situation or bug comes your way.