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Prank Pack, Pet VR Prank Gift Box, Wrap Your Real Present in a Funny Authentic Prank-O Gag Present Box | Novelty Gifting Box for Pranksters

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What You Need To Know About VR For Pets:

We live in the future. A world of boundless opportunity and endless possibility.

A world, where anything can happen at a moment’s notice.

An awesome world, where pets can live in a virtual world that caters to their every fancy.

Welcome to Pet VR. Population: your pet.

The Virtual Reality pet headset defies all of the typical constraints of the pet lifestyle.

Pets these days are typically docile animals who have little excitement in their lives, outside the few fleeting moments they lick a morsel of human food that you have so brazenly let fall to the ground during a rushed meal.

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Now, the Pet VR headset changes that one brief moment of bliss, to an entire lifetime filled with pleasure.

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Simply strap on the Pet VR helmet and watch your pet go absolutely friggin’ nuts for this thing.

Why? Because it’s everything your pet could ever want, now flashing directly into their eye sockets like some sort of damn cinema de lux. Here are just a few examples of the glorious reality that could be virtually beamed into your pets headpiece:

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A Fire Hydrant. Your puppy, peeing all up on it. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta, doesn’t it, Spot?

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A Dog Park. Your dog is the cock of the walk (so to speak) when it goes to the virtual dog park. All the pretty puppies stop in their tracks to get an eyeful of your gallant canine. Imagine the confidence boost for your pup who hasn’t gotten the attention of any other thing with four paws in almost a decade. Off the charts.

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A Bone. HOLY SMOKES BATMAN! A BONE! Your pup could strap on this technologically advanced headset and see a BONE! That’s all they’ve ever wanted. And this bone, oh yes, this bone – it could even have a little meat left on it. Perfect for gnawing on. And doing that weird thing your dog does where his tongue is flapping all on the side of the bone while he’s gnawing. Good for him. It’s like Christmas morning all over again (without that unfortunate incident where he choked on some wrapping paper and threw up after drinking a liter of room temperature Egg Nog that was left unattended in the den). Nice.

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Hence, the genius of this prank. It’s just a box. A box of laughter, love and unbridled optimism.

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Buy the prank gift box and rest assured the receiver will go through the same range of emotions you just did, knowing full well, once they come out the other side of it, open up the real gift and realize they’ve been taken for a ride, that it was all in good fun.

Snap. The frigging world. ARE WE RIGHT?

Prank gift boxes. Creating memories since whenever the hell they were invented.™

Last update on 2025-01-20 / This post may contain affiliate links which may give us a commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

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